If not, let's skip right ahead to the Moze builds! Click any of the links below to be brought to the build of your choice. If you need a bit of a primer on the Borderlands 3 characters, how classes work, that sort of thing - look no further than our fully up-to-date Borderlands 3 characters & skill trees guide. Each Moze build below utilises a different path through her skill trees in order to make the most of a particular aspect of her character.

Outside her Iron Bear mech she is certainly the weakest and most vulnerable of all the Vault Hunters, but once inside her mech, there's pretty much nothing that can match her ability to obliterate anything in sight. Moze is, on first glance, a pretty easy character to get to grips with. The associated weapons for Bottomless Mags are a Minigun and, later, a Flamethrower. Bottomless Mags is all about giving Moze a tonne of magazine size and regenerating ammo so she never has to stop firing.The associated weapons for Shield of Retribution are a Railgun and a powerful close range Bear Fist. Shield of Retribution focuses on giving your Moze build very high survivability, sacrificing health for tremendous amounts of shields that keep you from harm.The associated weapons for Demolition Woman are a Grenade Launcher and, later, Rockets.
Demolition Woman is the skill tree to upgrade for a really explosive Moze build, as it focuses on immense splash damage and grenade spam.But there's still a tremendous amount of scope for customising both Moze and her Iron Bear using her three distinct skill trees:

Downloadable content for the game has also been released.Five years have passed since the events of Borderlands, when four Vault Hunters, a Hunter, a Soldier, a Siren and a Berserker, were guided by a mysterious entity known as “The Guardian Angel” to the Vault and confronted an alien abomination known as “The Destroyer”.Rather than choosing between three Action Skills like the other Borderlands 3 characters, Moze the Gunner can choose between three (later six) different guns to equip her Iron Bear with, one on each arm.

The game was released to critical acclaim on September 18, 2012. Key gameplay features from the original game, such as online collaborative campaign gameplay randomly generated loot, such as weapons and shields and character-building elements commonly found in role-playing video games are found in Borderlands 2. As with the first game, Borderlands 2 players complete a campaign consisting of central quests and optional side-missions as one of four treasure seekers, “Vault Hunters”, on the planet Pandora. It is the sequel to 2009’s Borderlands and was released for the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and OS X platforms.
“Borderlands 2” is an action role-playing first-person shooter video game that was developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games.